GreenTPsychology, LLC

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A Time For Connection!

Feeling the Weight of Coronavirus?

As I write this blog post I find myself wondering if there is anyone who has not been affected by Covid-19 in some way. Whether it is directly through illness of oneself or a loved one, financial hardship, significant stress, feelings of depression due to social isolation, anxiety, recurrence of trauma, and I am sure many other things. Many people are reading about how to get through this time of social distancing. Some commit to a strict exercise routine and a desire to maintain physical activity. Others say they want to learn a language at home, and many people are having virtual social gatherings like virtual happy hours and even virtual play dates for kids. All of these coping techniques are great ways to keep the body and mind working and sharp. However, this blog post is not one of tips and suggestions. I want to encourage you to find a way to remain connected to the various relationships in your life (family, colleagues, old friends who you havent spoken to in ages, current friends, and even make some new ones).  

The Power of Connection!

Every now and then something happens in the world that reminds us of our humanity. This is a time where all people are touched by the pandemic in some way or another, and it is an experience that we can all relate to on a fundamentally human level. Nobody is truly alone in this experience, even if you are physically alone. So don't be afraid to share your feelings or think that you wont find someone else who understands what you may be going through emotionally. You might even find that even a relative who you tend to never see eye to eye with may really connect with something you share. Try and use this time of hardship as an opportunity for coming together on a level that goes beyond labels (neighbor, relative, acquaintance) and really get to see someone as a person. As mushy as this all sounds, it can have the great benefit of lifting your mood and giving you a bit of energy to get through the day. There is a reason why we are seeing clips popping up all over the place of communities all over the world coming together in song, claps, cheers, and music. Strangers connecting as human beings.

So look out your window, your porch, balcony, or stoop and wave hello to someone passing by who you have never met. Call a friend who you have lost touch with. Have a high school reunion virtually. Play your instrument for your neighbors. Start a professional support group. Join a group therapy group. Create your own virtual baking class. Call a therapist. Whatever it is that makes you feel connected to others.  

Stay safe, well, and human!

If you find yourself struggling to cope with social distancing, stress, illness, or anything related to the Covid-19 Pandemic feel free to reach out for a consultation.