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Diversity & Inclusion

Gender Discrimination in the Workplace Impacts Mental Health!

Gender Discrimination in the Workplace Impacts Mental Health!

Workplace discrimination can take many forms but when it comes to gender discrimination in the workplace it most commonly presents itself as unequal pay, harrassment or sexual misconduct, problematic hiring practices, and one gender have disproportionate positions of power or leadership roles.

Invisible Illness & The Microagrressions We Are Not Talking About!

Invisible Illness & The Microagrressions We Are Not Talking About!

Most of the time when people hear that one of my areas of specialization is invisible illness, they express never having heard of that term before. People know about chronic illness or mental illness, but invisible illness is not something that is frequently talked about.

The Lost Art of Listening and Being Heard

The Lost Art of Listening and Being Heard

The midterm elections have come and gone, and hey have verified that there is a great split in our country. We are a divided nation, and with this has come increased hatred, stereotyping, and bigotry. There have been multiple reports on increased hate crimes and anti-Semitism, and there is a decrease in diplomatic communication between people of differing opinions.

What is This Implicit Bias Thing I Keep Hearing About?

What is This Implicit Bias Thing I Keep Hearing About?

Most of us like to think of ourselves as fair and unbiased people. We are unlikely to see when we are treating groups differently based on some external factor. This brings us to implicit bias. Implicit bias is our stereotypes and thoughts about various groups that are outside our awareness (unconscious), and they affect our understanding of and behaviors towards others.